1. R. P. Alger, 1966 . Interpretation of electric logs in freshwater wells in unconsolidated formations. Trans. Soc. Prof. Well Log Analysts, 7th Ann. Logging Symposium, Tulsa, Okla., May 1966. pp. 661 -662 .
2. Geophysical Surveys in the Vicinity of Sanitary Landfills in Northeastern Illinoisa
3. K. Cartwright, and F. B. Sherman, 1972 . Electrical earth resistivity surveying in landfill investigations. Engineering and Soils Engineering Symposium Proceedings 10th Annual Meeting, Moscow, Idaho. pp. 77 -92 .
4. Protracted Recharge of Treated Sewage into Sand Part II-Tracing the Flow of Contaminated Ground Water with a Resistivity Survey