1. W. M. Alley, 1982 . Relative importance of ground-water and surface-water supplies to oil-shale development, Piceance basin, Colorado . U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 82-340. 46 pp.
2. J. H. Birman, 1982 . Some questions on Piceance basin hydrology . Paper presented at Fifteenth Oil-Shale Symposium, Colorado School of Mines, April 28-30, 1982.
3. Golder Associates, Inc . 1978 . Water management in oil-shale mining . U.S. Bureau of Mines, Open-File Report 2-78, 2 volumes.
4. W. L. Lane, 1980 . Applied stochastic techniques user manual . U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 6 chapters.