1. E. J. Finnemore, 1992 . Hydraulic mounding beneath onsite sewage disposal systems in shallow horizontal aquifers. Prepared for California Environmental Health Assoc. Symposium, Rohnert Park, CA, October 15. 18 pp.
2. Ground‐Water Mounding Due to On‐Site Sewage Disposal
3. Growth and decay of groundwater-mounds in response to uniform percolation
4. J. E. Hensel, S. Stark, J. Hoick, R. Criswell, P. Davis, G. Rott, C. Anderson, J. Warner, L. Henderson, J. DuFresne, J. Magner, J. Canfield, B. Sielaff, and R. Johnston . 1984 . High Rate Soil Absorption System, Task Force Final Report. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, St. Paul, MN. 232 pp.
5. D. W. Urish, 1991 . Rhode Island Site-Suitability Assessment Manual for Large Flow and Multiple Flow On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems for Rhode Island Dept. of Environmental Management. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI. 152 pp.