Climatically controlled reproduction drives interannual growth variability in a temperate tree species


Hacket‐Pain Andrew J.1,Ascoli Davide2,Vacchiano Giorgio3,Biondi Franco4,Cavin Liam5,Conedera Marco6,Drobyshev Igor78,Liñán Isabel Dorado9,Friend Andrew D.10,Grabner Michael11,Hartl Claudia12,Kreyling Juergen13,Lebourgeois François14,Levanič Tom15,Menzel Annette1617,Maaten Ernst18,Maaten‐Theunissen Marieke18,Muffler Lena13,Motta Renzo19,Roibu Catalin‐Constantin20,Popa Ionel21,Scharnweber Tobias13,Weigel Robert13,Wilmking Martin13,Zang Christian S.22


1. Department of Geography and Planning School of Environmental Sciences University of Liverpool Liverpool UK

2. Dipartimento di Agraria University of Naples Federico II via Università 100 80055 Portici (NA) Italy

3. DISAA Università degli Studi di Milano via Celoria 2 20133 Milano Italy

4. DendroLab Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science University of Nevada Reno NV89509 USA

5. Biological and Environmental Sciences University of Stirling StirlingFK9 4LA UK

6. Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow, and Landscape Research WSL a Ramél 18 CH‐6953 Cadenazzo Switzerland

7. Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences P.O. Box 49 230 53 Alnarp Sweden

8. Institut de recherche sur les forêts Université du Québec en Abitibi‐Témiscamingue 445 boulevard de l’ Université, Rouyn‐Noranda QCJ9X 5E4 Canada

9. Forest Research Centre, (INIA‐CIFOR) Ctra. La Coruñna km. 7.5 28040 Madrid Spain

10. Department of Geography University of Cambridge Cambridge UK

11. University of Natural Resources and Life Science – BOKU Vienna Austria

12. Department of Geography Johannes Gutenberg‐University Johann‐Joachim‐Becher‐Weg 21 55128 Mainz Germany

13. Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology University of Greifswald 17489 Greifswald Germany

14. Université de Lorraine AgroParisTech, INRA, UMR Silva 14 rue Girardet 54000 Nancy France

15. Slovenian Forestry Institute Večna pot 2 SI‐1000 Ljubljana Slovenia

16. TUM School of Life Sciences Professorship of Ecoclimatology Technical University of Munich Hans‐Carl‐von‐Carlowitz‐Platz 2 85354 Freising Germany

17. Institute for Advanced Study Technical University of Munich Lichtenbergstraße 2 a 85748 Garching Germany

18. Forest Growth and Woody Biomass Production TU Dresden, Pienner Str. 8 01737 Tharandt Germany

19. DISAFA University of Turin Largo Braccini 2 10095 Grugliasco (TO) Italy

20. Forest Biometrics Laboratory University “Stefan cel Mare” of Suceava Suceava Romania

21. National Research and Development Institute in Forestry Marin Drăcea, Calea Bucovinei 73bis Campulung Moldovenesc Romania

22. TUM School of Life Sciences Technical University of Munich Hans‐Carl‐von‐Carlowitz‐Platz 2 85354 Freising Germany


Oxford University Press

H2020 European Research Council




Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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