1. HIV incidence in users of HIV preexposure prophylaxis in Australia: a whole‐of‐population analysis;Medland NA;CROI,2024
2. PrEP non‐persistence and new HIV diagnoses: a real ‐world analysis of >120,000 people prescribed PrEP;Tao L;CROI,2024
3. Persistence on contraception and PrEP in hair salons in South Africa;Bassett IV;CROI,2024
4. PrEP uptake and persistence among incarcerated people in Zambia: early results from a cohort study;Cassidy WC;CROI,2024
5. Mugo. Phone calls for PrEP persistence in Kenyan women in postabortal care: a cluster randomised trial;Heffron R;CROI,2024