1. “Frank Leahy Recognizes San Jose State Bid to Reach Football ‘Big Time.”’
2. “SJS Athletic Meet Tonight,” n.d. and no publication name, box 31, series V, Office of the President, Wahlquist John T. , San José State University Archives; “Dan Caputo President of SJS Foundation,” San Jose Mercury, 16 January 1958, box 31, series V, Office of the President, Wahlquist John T. , San José State University Archives.
3. “A Case of Sour Grapes,” Spartan Daily, 14 May 1957, book 1, box 36, series VI, Office of the President, Wahlquist John T. , San José State University Archives; “Sparta Goes Major League.”
4. Wahlquist John T. to Victor Schmidt, 8 February 1957, book 1, box 36, series VI, Office of the President, Wahlquist John T. , San José State University Archives.
5. “Frank Leahy Recognizes San Jose State Bid to Reach Football ‘Big Time,” San Jose Evening News, 25 November 1955, box 20, series IE, Office of the President, Wahlquist John T. , San José State University Archives.