1. Université Paris Est, UMR Bioemco; 61 Avenue du Général De Gaulle; 94010; Créteil Cedex; France
2. Environment Department; University of York; Heslington; York,; YO10 5DD; UK
3. Terranova Lombricultores; Loma Escondida # 5 Col. Seis de Enero-Zoncuantla; C.P. 91517; Veracruz; México
4. CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences; GPO Box 1700; Canberra; A.C.T., 2601; Australia
5. Department of Soil Quality; Wageningen University, PO Box 47; 6700 AA; Wageningen; the Netherlands
6. School of Built and Natural Environment; University of Central Lancashire; Preston; PR1 2HE; UK
7. College of Natural Resources and Environment; South China Agricultural University; 510642; Guangzhou; China
8. Laboratory of Soil Ecology; Cinvestav, Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional 2508; C.P. 07360; México D. F.; Mexico
9. Université Rennes 1, UMR CNRS EcoBio; Observatoire de Rennes, Station Biologique; 35380; Paimpont; France
10. International Center for Tropical Agriculture, IER; CRRA Sotuba, Laboratoire Sol Eau Plante c/o ICRAF SAHEL; BPE 5118; Bamako; Mali
11. IRSTEA, Unité de Recherche Ecosystèmes Montagnards; 2 Rue de la Papeterie; 38402; Saint-Martin-d'Hères; France