1. Young introduces legislation to bring greater accountability to organ donation system.https://www.young.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/young-introduces-legislation-to-bring-greater-accountability-to-organ-donation-system. Updated July 9 2019. Accessed July 10 2019.
2. US Department of health and human services advancing American kidney health. July 10 2019 2019.
3. D B. Organ donation.We Need to Make it Stronger and More Efficient.The Hill. June 21 2019.https://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/449753-organdonation-we-need-to-make-it-stronger-and-more-efficient
4. CY 2020 hospital outpatient PPS Policy changes and payment rates and ambulatory surgical center payment system policy changes and payment rates CMS‐1717‐P; comments on organ procurement organization issues.https://www.regulations.gov/docketBrowser?rpp=25&po=0&dct=PS&D=CMS-2019-0109&refD=CMS-2019-0109-0002. Accessed 10/14/2019
5. Improving Organ Utilization to Help Overcome the Tragedies of the Opioid Epidemic