1. 1878 Speech of Henry Hawkes, Esq., J.P., … at the Annual Dinner, May 29th, 1878, and Annual Report and Proceedings of the Association
2. Borough of Birmingham 1871 Report of the Sewage Inquiry Committee Presented to the Council on the 3 rd of October, 1871 https://books.google.com/books/about/Report_of_the_Sewage_Inquiry_Committee_P.html?id=RrAQMwEACAAJ
3. Borough of Birmingham 1875a Short History of the Passing of the Birmingham (Corporation) Gas Act and Birmingham (Corporation) Water Act with Speeches of the Mayor (Joseph Chamberlain)
4. Borough of Birmingham 1875b The Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875: Proceedings on the Adoption by the Council of a Scheme for the Improvement of the Borough, with the Speeches of the Mayor, (Joseph Chamberlain, Esq.) and the Chairman of the Improvement Committee, (Mr. Councilor White), in Support Thereof