1. Unit of Lymphoid Malignancies; Department of Onco-Haematology; San Raffaele Scientific Institute; Milan Italy
2. Servicio de Oncología Médica; Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología; La Habana Cuba
3. Auckland Hospital; Auckland New Zealand
4. Christie Hospital; Manchester UK
5. Seoul National University Hospital; Seoul Korea
6. Korea Cancer Centre Hospital; Seoul Korea
7. Division of Hematology; M.D. Anderson Cancer Centre; Houston TX USA
8. Westmead Hospital; Sydney NSW Australia
9. Department of Haematology; San Bortolo Hospital; Vicenza Italy
10. Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland; Bellinzona Switzerland
11. Department of Radiation Oncology; Princess Margaret Hospital; Ontario Cancer Institute; Toronto ON Canada
12. Premion and Bond University; Inland Dr.; Tugun QLD Australia