1. See, e.g arc ane ocial nterprise mpowering ission- riven ntrepreneurs
2. The Need and Rationale for the Benefit Corporation: Why It Is the Legal Form That Best Addresses the Needs of Social Entrepreneurs, Investors, and, Ultimately, the Public enefit orp et http://benefitcorp.net/policymakers/benefit-corporation-white-paper
3. ntony ugg- evine & ed merson mpact nvesting ransforming ow e ake oney hile aking a ifference
4. Corporate Law, Corporate Power and Corporate Social Responsibility, in erspectives on orporate ocial esponsibility An Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility tan ev
5. ohn ackey & aj isodia onscious apitalism iberating the eroic pirit of usiness - see also Summer Reading: Conscious Capitalism us aw rof log http://lawprofessors.typepad.com/business_law/2015/06/summer-reading-conscious-capitalism.html