1. 1. International Obesity Task Force data, based on population-weighted estimates from published and unpublished surveys, 1990-2002 (latest available) using IOTF-recommended cut-offs for overweight and obesity. [http://www.iotf.org].
2. Epidemic Increase in Childhood Overweight, 1986-1998
3. 4. DB Allison, PE Matz, A Pietrobelli, R Zannolli, MS. Faith, A Bendich, and RJ Deckelbaum (eds). Primary and Secondary Preventive Nutrition . Humana Press: Totowa, New Jersey, 1999 , pp 147 -164 .
4. 5. G. Bray Press Statement. Finger points to corn syrup in obesity epidemic. International Congress on Obesity, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2002 [http://www.iotf.org/media/syrup.htm].