1. *This paper is adapted from my "Kyu gaiko to shin gaiko no hazama, 1918-1922: Nichi-Bei detanto to Washinton taisei no seiritsu,"Ryotaisenkan no Nichi-Bei kankei: Kaigun to seisaku kettei katei(Tokyo, 1993), 95-148. In accordance with the established convention in academic works Japanese names appear with the family name preceding the given name.
2. 1. Thomas J. Knock,To End All Wars: Woodrow Wilson and the Quest for a New World Order(Princeton, NJ, 1992).
3. 2. N. Gordon Levine, Jr.Woodrow Wilson and World Politics: America's Response to War and Revolution(New York, 1968).
4. 3. Robert L. Beisner in hisFrom the Old Diplomacy to the New, 1865-1900, 2d ed. (Arlington Heights, IL, 1986) uses a similar paradigm in a totally different context.
5. 4. For Japan's intellectual response to Wilsonianism, see Sadao Asada,Ryotaisen kan no Nichi-Bei kankei, 96-100; also Sadao Asada, "Nichi-Bei kankei no imeji"[The image of prewar Japanese-American relations], inSogo koza Nihon no shakai bunkashi[Lectures on Japanese social and cultural history], ed. Miwa Kimitada (Tokyo, 1974), 307-59.