1. Anderson , Mary B. 1988 Projects Supported by Oxfam America in Rajasthan and Gujarat States, India. International Relief/Development Project. (MS.: obtainable from the Disaster Management Center, University of Wisconsin.)
2. Anderson , Mary B. Peter J. Woodrow 1989 Rising From the Ashes: Development Strategies in Times of Disaster. Westview Press/Unesco Press, Boulder, Colorado/Paris
3. Downing , Thomas E. The 1984-85 Food Crisis in Kenya: Household Vulnerability and Coping Strategies John O. Field The Tragedy of Famine: Recent Experience Lessons Learned
4. Farah , Mohammed Hassan 1987 Case Study of the Sheikh Bananey Cooperative. International Relief/Development Project. (MS.: obtainable from the Disaster Management Center, University of Wisconsin.)
5. Harrell-Bond , Barbara 1986 Imposing Aid: Emergency Assistance to Refugees. Oxford University Press, Oxford