1. Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center Washington DC USA
2. HawkWatch International Salt Lake City UT USA
3. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds RSPB Centre for Conservation Science Cambridge UK
4. Mitrani Department of Desert Ecology Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert ResearchBen‐Gurion University of the Negev Midreshet Ben‐Gurion Israel
5. Vulture Conservation Foundation Zurich Switzerland
6. SALORO Salamanca Spain
7. GREFA (Grupo para la Rehabilitación de la Fauna Autóctona y su Hábitat) Majadahonda Madrid Spain
8. Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) Ozzano Emilia Italy
9. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds/BirdLife Bulgaria Sofia Bulgaria
10. Bird Monitoring UnitSEO/BirdLife Madrid Spain
11. Hellenic Ornithological Society/BirdLife Greece ‐ Themistokleous 80 Athens Greece
12. Association CERM Centro Rapaci Minacciati Rocchette di Fazio (GR) Italy
13. CEFEUniv MontpellierCNRSEPHEIRDUniv Paul Valery Montpellier 3 Montpellier France
14. Department of Biodiversity and Environmental Management University of León León Spain
15. Environment Science and Solutions Valencia Spain
16. Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux Site Grands Causses Peyreleau France
17. Science Division Israel Nature and Parks Authority Jerusalem Israel
18. Sibecocenter LLC Novosibirsk Russia
19. Nature en Occitanie Coordination Technique Plan National d’ Actions Vautour Percnoptère Bruges France
20. WWF Greece Athens Greece
21. Movement Ecology Lab Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology University of Valencia Paterna Spain
22. Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (SBiK‐F) Frankfurt am Main Germany
23. Department of Biological Sciences Johann Wolfgang Goethe‐University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main Germany
24. Department of Evolutionary and Environmental Biology and Institute of Evolution University of Haifa Haifa Israel
25. School of Biological Sciences University of Utah Salt Lake City UT USA
26. College of Sciences Koç University Istanbul Turkey
27. KuzeyDoğa Derneği Kars Turkey
28. Vertebrate Zoology Research Group University of Alicante Alicante Spain
29. Department of Biology and McCourt School of Public Policy Georgetown University Washington DC USA