1. Introducing the concept of the research governance ‘ratchet’;Pothier;Research Ethics,2006
2. Department of Health Research and Development Directorate (England); National Institute for Social Care and Health Research (Wales); Chief Scientist Office (Scotland); R&D Division, Public Health Agency (Northern Ireland) Governance Arrangements for Research Ethics Committees: a Harmonised Edition http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_126474
3. National Research Ethics Service Does my project require review by a Research Ethics Committee? NRES, 2011 http://www.nres.nhs.uk/applications/approval-requirements/ethical-review-requirements/
4. National Research Ethics Service Defining research http://www.nres.nhs.uk/applications/is-your-project-research/
5. Ethics again - hoops, loops and principles;Yentis;Anaesthesia,2004