1. Institute of Integrative Biology ETH Zurich Univeritätstrasse 16 8092 Zurich Switzerland
2. Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior University of Minnesota 1479 Gortner Ave. St Paul MN55108 USA
3. Department of Terrestrial Ecology Netherlands Institute of Ecology Droevendaalsesteeg 10 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands
4. Department of Wildland Resources and the Ecology Center Utah State University Logan UT84322 USA
5. Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Gardens Point Campus Brisbane Queensland40000 Australia
6. School of Life Sciences and Global Drylands Center Arizona State University Temple USA
7. Mammal Research Institute Department of Zoology and Entomology University of Pretoria Pretoria South Africa
8. Earth and Biological Sciences Directorate Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland WA99352 USA
9. Department of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology Iowa State University Ames IA50010 USA
10. School of Biological Sciences University of Nebraska Lincoln NE68588USA
11. Department of Plant & Soil Sciences University of Kentucky Lexington KY40546 USA
12. Department of Integrative Biology University of Guelph Guelph Ontario Canada N1G 2W1
13. Department of Forestry Agriculture and Water National University‐INTA‐CONICET Rio Gallegos Santa Cruz, Patagonia Argentina
14. CSIRO Land and Water Private Bag 5 Wembley Western Australia6913
15. Lancaster Environment Centre Lancaster University LancasterLA1 4YQ UK