1. Department of River Ecology and Conservation Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt Gelnhausen Germany
2. Laboratory of Evolutionary Ecology of Hydrobionts Nature Research Centre Vilnius Lithuania
3. Conservation Ecology Center Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute Front Royal Virginia USA
4. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research Oslo Norway
5. Department of Aquatic Ecotoxicology Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main Frankfurt am Main Germany
6. Department of Conservation and Research Bavarian Forest National Park Grafenau Germany
7. Department of Ecology and Genetics University of Oulu Oulu Finland
8. Oulanka Research Station University of Oulu Infrastructure Platform Kuusamo Finland
9. Water Unit, County Board of Dalarna Falun Sweden
10. Department of River and Floodplain Ecology University of Duisburg‐Essen Duisburg Germany