1. ‘Growth, Exercise, Nutrition and Development’ (GENUD) Research Group; Faculty of Health Sciences; University of Zaragoza; Zaragoza Spain
2. Department of Medical Physiology; School of Medicine; Granada University; Granada Spain
3. Department of Public Health; Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences; University Hospital; Ghent University; Ghent Belgium
4. Dietary Exposure Assessment Group; International Agency for Research on Cancer; Lyon France
5. National Research Institute for Food and Nutrition; INRAN; Rome Italy
6. Inserm U995; Faculty of Medicine; University Lille 2; Lille France
7. Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; Madrid Spain
8. INSERM U744; Institut Pasteur de Lille; Lille France
9. Preventive Medicine and Nutrition Unit; University of Crete; Heraklion Greece
10. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics; Harokopio University; Athens Greece
11. Institut für Ernährungs- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften - Humanernährung; Rheinische Friedich-Wilhelms-Universität; Bonn Germany
12. Research Institute of Child Nutrition; Rheinische Friedich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn; Dortmund Germany
13. Karolinska Institute; Huddinge Sweden
14. Department of Pediatrics; University of Pécs; Pécs Hungary
15. Division of Clinical Nutrition and Prevention; Medical University of Vienna; Vienna Austria
16. Grupo de Inmunonutrición; ICTAN-CSIC; Madrid Spain