1. Barbour M. T. Cook D. G.&Pomerantz R. S.(In press).On the question of hybridization and variation in the oligochaete genus Limnodrilus. Proc. A. Meeting N. Am. Benthol. Soc. Erie Pennsylvania. No. 27.
2. Taxonomical studies on the Tubificidae (Annelida, Oligochaeta);Brinkhurst R. O.;Int. Revueges. Hydrol. Hydrogr. Syst. Beih.,1963
3. Taxonomical Studies on the Tubificidae (Annelida, Oligochaeta) Supplement
4. Brinkhurst R. O.(1971).A guide for the identification of British aquatic Oligochaeta. Scient. Publs Freshwat. biol. Ass. No. 22 (2nd ed.).
5. Freshwater Oligochaeta in Canada