1. II. Descriptions of some Marine Animals found on the Coast of Wales.
2. A marine fungus Plectospira dubia n.sp. [Saprolegniaceae], infecting crustacean eggs and small Crustacea
3. Notes sur la biologie de Dynamene bidentata Adams (Isopode, Sphaeromatidae);Bourdon R.;Bull, trimest. Acad. Soc. lorraines Sci,1964
4. Sur un nouvel Epicaride (Ancyroniscus bonnieri n.g., n.sp.), parasite d/un Sphero‐mide (Dynamene bidentata Mont.);Caullery M.;C. r. hebd. Seanc. Acad. Sci., Paris,1919
5. Ancyroniscus bonnieri C & M. Epicaride parasite d/un Spheromide (Dynamene bidentata Mont.);Caullery M.;Bull. biol. Fr. Belg.,1920