1. Age of Atrocity: Violence and Political Conflict in Early Modern Ireland Ireland 1641: Contexts and Reactions
2. Pamphlets and Pamphleteering in Early Modern Britian News, Newspapers, and Society in Early Modern Britain
3. By the Queene: The Queenes Maiesties Proclamation declaring her princely resolution in sending over of her Army into the Realme of Ireland The Fortunate Farewell to the most forward and noble Earle of Essex, one of the honorable privie counsel, Earle high Marshal of England, Master of the horse, Knight of the garter, and Lord Lieutenant General of all the Queenes Maiesties forces in Ireland
4. Englands Hope Against Irish Hate
5. Irish and English: Essays on the Irish Linguistic and Cultural Frontier, 1600-1900 Hermathena