Organ Procurement From Executed Prisoners in China


Sharif A.12,Singh M. Fiatarone23,Trey T.4,Lavee J.25


1. Department of Nephrology and TransplantationQueen Elizabeth HospitalBirminghamUK

2. Advisory BoardDoctors Against Forced Organ HarvestingWashingtonDC

3. Exercise, Health and RehabilitationFaculty of Health Sciences and Sydney Medical SchoolUniversity of SydneySydneyAustralia

4. Executive DirectorDoctors Against Forced Organ HarvestingWashingtonDC

5. Heart Transplantation UnitDepartment of Cardiac SurgerySheba Medical Center and the Sackler Faculty of MedicineTel Aviv UniversityTel AvivIsrael




Pharmacology (medical),Transplantation,Immunology and Allergy

Reference47 articles.

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5. The Use of Executed Prisoners as a Source of Organ Transplants in China Must Stop

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1. Who's got the knife? The role of surgeons in transplant trafficking;Living Donor Organ Transplantation;2024

2. Transplant tourism – a missed opportunity;Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation;2023-10-03

3. ISHLT, transplant ethics and forced organ harvesting;The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation;2022-12

4. Nauseous Nexus between the Organ Industry and the Risks of Illegal Organ Harvesting;Current Challenges and Advances in Organ Donation and Transplantation [Working Title];2022-10-10

5. Assessing Global Organ Donation Policies: Opt-In vs Opt-Out;Risk Management and Healthcare Policy;2021-05







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