1. F. H. Dodd, and F. K. Neave (1970 )-Biennial Review, National Institute for Research in Dairying. Paper No. 3559, p21 .
2. R. J. T. Hoare, B. Dettman, and R. J. Benson (1975 )-Proc. IDF Seminar on Mastitis Control, Reading, p491 . International Dairy Federation, Brussells.
3. The effect of a mastitis control system on levels of subclinical and clinical mastitis in two years
4. R. S. Morris (1976 )-The Use of Computer Modelling in Epidemiological and Economic Studies of Animal Disease . Ph.D. Thesis , University of Reading.
5. R. Natzke (1970 ) Proc. Sixth Int. Conference on Cattle Diseases. Philadelphia, p166 .