1. Molecular Psychiatry Laboratory; Mental Health Sciences Unit; Faculty of Brain Sciences; University College London; UK
2. UCL Institute for Liver & Digestive Health; Royal Free Campus; University College London Medical School; UK
3. National Addiction Centre and Social Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre; Institute of Psychiatry; UK
4. Bexley Substance Misuse Services; South London & Maudsley NHS Trust; UK
5. Kershaw Unit; Gartnavel Royal Hospital; UK
6. Gatehouse Alcohol Clinic and Max Glatt Unit; Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust; St Bernard's Hospital; UK
7. City and Hackney Centre for Mental Health; East London NHS Foundation Trust; UK
8. Homeless Addictions Team; NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde; UK
9. Newcastle and North Tyneside Addictions Service; UK