1. Aceh Magazine 2007 203 Anak korban tsunami masih di luar Aceh [203 child tsunami victims are still outside of Aceh]
2. Age , The 2005 UN Confirms Tsunami Child Trafficking Case http://www.theage.com.au/news/Asia-tsunami/UN-confirms-tsunami-child-trafficking-case/2005/01/08/1104832337173.html
3. Islam and Nation
4. Bachelard , Michael 2013 They Are Taking Our Children http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/theyre-taking-our-children-20130503--2inhf.html Good Weekend Magazine http://m.smh.com.au/lifestyle/theyre-taking-our-children-20130429--2inhf.html
5. Birchok , Daniel A. 2013 Sojourning on Mecca's Verandah: Place, Temporality, and Islam in an Indonesian Province