1. S. W. Chang (1998 ).A comparative study of item exposure control methods in computerized adaptive testing. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The University of Iowa, Iowa City.
2. S. W. Chang, T. N. Ansley, and S. H. Lin (2000 ).Performance of item exposure control methods in computerized adaptive testing: Further explorations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
3. S. W. Chang, and B. Y. Twu (2001 ).Effects of changes in the examinees' ability distribution on the exposure control methods in CAT. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA.
4. T. Davey, and M. Fan (2000 ).Specific information item selection for adaptive testing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, New Orleans, LA.