International comparison of trends in patients commencing renal replacement therapy by primary renal disease


Stel Vianda S1,Awadhpersad Ryan1,Pippias Maria1,Ferrer‐Alamar Manuel2,Finne Patrik34,Fraser Simon D5,Heaf James G6,Hemmelder Marc H7,Martínez‐Castelao Alberto8,de Meester Johan9,Palsson Runolfur1011,Prischl Friedrich C12,Segelmark Mårten13,Traynor Jamie P14,Santamaria Rafael15,Reisæter Anna Varberg16,Massy Ziad A1718,Jager Kitty J1


1. ERA‐EDTA Registry, Department of Medical InformaticsAcademic Medical Center, Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute Amsterdam The Netherlands

2. Renal Registry Valencian Region, Generalitat Valencian Spain

3. Department of NephrologyHelsinki University Hospital Helsinki Finland

4. Finnish Registry for Kidney Diseases Helsinki Finland

5. Academic Unit of Primary Care and Population SciencesFaculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, Southampton General Hospital Southampton UK

6. Department of MedicineZealand University Hospital Roskilde Denmark

7. Dutch Renal Registry RenineNefrovisie Foundation Utrecht the Netherlands

8. Nephrology DepartmentBellvitge's University Hospital, Hospitalet Barcelona Spain

9. Department of Nephrology & Dialysis & HypertensionDutch‐speaking Belgian Renal Registry (NBVN) Sint‐Niklaas Belgium

10. Division of Nephrology, Landspitali‐The National University Hospital of Iceland Reykjavik Iceland

11. Faculty of Medicine, School of Health SciencesUniversity of Iceland Reykjavik Iceland

12. Department of Nephrology, Fourth Department of Internal MedicineKlinikum Wels‐Grieskirchen Wels Austria

13. Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, NephrologyLund University, Skane University Hospital Lund Sweden

14. Scottish Renal Registry, ISD Scotland Glasgow UK

15. Nephrology Service, Reina Sofia University Hospital/Maimonides Biomedical Research Institute of Cordoba (IMIBIC)University of Cordoba Cordoba Spain

16. Norwegian Renal Registry, Department of Transplantation MedicineOslo University Hospital Oslo Norway

17. Division of NephrologyAmbroise Pare University Hospital, APHP, University of Paris Ouest‐Versailles‐St‐Quentin‐en‐Yvelines (UVSQ) Paris France

18. Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM) U1018, Team 5, CESP UVSQUniversity Paris Saclay Villejuif France




Nephrology,General Medicine







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