1. Access Denied? Inconsistent Jurisprudence on the Open Court Principle and Media Access to Exhibits in Canadian Criminal Cases
2. Attorney General of Nova Scotia v. MacIntyre[1982] 1 S.C.R. 175.
3. Revisiting the open court principle in an era of online publication: Questioning presumptive public access to parties’ and witnesses’ personal information;Bailey Jane;Ottawa Law Review,2016
4. Open justice or open season‐developments in judicial engagement with new media;Barrett Jonathan;Queensland University of Technology Law & Justice Journal,2011
5. Canadian Judicial Council.2016. “In the Matter of an Inquiry Pursuant to s. 63(1) of the Judges Act Regarding the Honourable Justice Robin Camp: Report and Recommendation of the Inquiry Committee to the Canadian Judicial Council.”https://www.cjc-ccm.gc.ca/cmslib/general/Camp_Docs/2016-11-29%20CJC%20Camp%20Inquiry%20Committee%20Report.pdf.