Living the Janus Face: The Promise and Perils of Role‐Distancing for Middle Managers


Gjerde S.1,Alvesson M.2345


1. USN School of Business, The University of South‐Eastern Norway

2. Lund University School of Economics and Management, LUSEM

3. University of Bath

4. City University London

5. Stockholm School of Economics


AbstractMiddle managers often find themselves in a challenging position: They have to impress different audiences in somewhat incompatible ways and represent and enact managerial ideals and expectations that may be detrimental to their work identities. This study explores role distancing as an alluring coping strategy. Role distancing – acts that express separateness between the individual and the enacted role – may enable the professional to do management and give an impressive managerial performance, without becoming a manager. This may seem like the perfect strategy to impress others while escaping identity struggles. Or maybe not. In this study we take a closer look at role distancing among a group of middle managers in higher education and focus on one manager, Manny, in particular over a period of time. We find that what first seemed to be a promising strategy applauded by a backstage audience, turns into a problem in need of its own solution, as backstage also becomes a frontstage. The paper contributes to theory about middle managers, role distancing in professional work and front−/backstage acting.




Management of Technology and Innovation,Strategy and Management,Business and International Management

Reference116 articles.







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