1. Department of Archaeology, School of Humanities; University of Southampton; SO17 1BF; UK
2. School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology; Queen's University Belfast; BT7 1NN; UK
3. Canterbury Trust; 92a Broad St, Canterbury, Kent; CT1 2LU; UK
4. Ocean and Earth Science; University of Southampton National Oceanography Centre; SO14 3ZH; UK
5. Archaeological Computing Research Group; University of Southampton; SO17 1BF; UK
6. National Oceanography Centre; Southampton; SO14 3ZH; UK
7. Department of Non-Destructive Evaluation; Atomic Weapons Establishment; Aldermaston; Berkshire; RG7 4PR; UK
8. 14 Treeside Rd, Shirley; Southampton; SO15 5FZ; UK
9. School of Arts; University of Bristol; BS8 1UU; UK