1. INRA; IJPB; UMR1318; ERL CNRS 3559; Saclay Plant Sciences, RD10; Versailles F-78026 France
2. INRA; IJPB; UMR1318; ERL CNRS 3559; Saclay Plant Sciences; Observatoire du Végétal - Cytologie Imagerie, RD10; Versailles F-78026 France
3. Department of Applied Biological Chemistry; The University of Tokyo; Yayoi l-1-1, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113-8657 Japan
4. Institute for Protein Research; Division of Protein Chemistry; Laboratory of Regulation of Biological Reactions; Osaka University; 3-2 Yamadaoka Suita, Osaka 565-0871 Japan
5. INRA; IJPB; UMR1318; ERL CNRS 3559; Saclay Plant Sciences; Observatoire du Végétal - Chimie Métabolisme, RD10; Versailles F-78026 France