1. Paediatric Allergy Department University Hospital of Nancy Vandoeuvre‐les‐Nancy France
2. EA3450 Développement Adaptation et Handicap (DevAH) University of Lorraine Nancy France
3. UMR 6249 Chrono‐environment, CNRS and University of Franche‐Comté Besançon France
4. Unité de Méthodologie en Recherche Clinique, Épidémiologie et Santé Publique CIC Inserm 143, University Hospital of Besançon Besançon France
5. Department of Paediatric Allergology, Dr von Hauner Children's Hospital Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Munich Germany
6. Institute for Asthma and Allergy Prevention, Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Centre for Environmental Health Neuherberg Germany
7. Paediatrics, University Hospital of Besançon Besançon France
8. Respiratory Diseases Department University Hospital of Besançon Besançon France
9. INSERM, EFS BFC, LabEx LipSTIC, UMR1098, Interactions Hôte‐Greffon‐Tumeur, Ingénierie Cellulaire et Génique Bourgogne Franche‐Comté University Besançon France
10. Comprehensive Pneumology Center Munich (CPC‐M), Member of the German Centre for Lung Research Neuherberg Germany
11. Institute for Medicine Laboratory, Pathobiochemistry and Molecular Diagnostics Philipps‐University Marburg Marburg Germany
12. Laboratory of Immunopathology, Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology Sechenov University Moscow Russia
13. Children's Hospital Schwarzach Schwarzach Austria
14. Department of Health Security Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare Kuopio Finland
15. Department of Public Health University of Helsinki Helsinki Finland
16. Christine Kühne Centre for Allergy Research and Education (CK‐CARE) Davos Switzerland
17. Children's Hospital of Eastern Switzerland St Gallen Switzerland
18. University Children's Hospital Zurich Zurich Switzerland
19. EA 3181, University of Franche‐Comté Besançon France