1. Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine; McMaster University; Hamilton ON Canada
2. Department of Community Health Sciences; Cumming School of Medicine; University of Calgary; Calgary AB Canada
3. Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases and Provincial Laboratory for Public Health; University of Calgary; Calgary AB Canada
4. Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics; McMaster University; Hamilton ON Canada
5. Michael G. De- Groote Institute for Infectious Disease Research; McMaster University; Hamilton ON Canada
6. Department of Mathematics and Statistics; McMaster University; Hamilton ON Canada
7. Saskatchewan Disease Control Laboratory; Regina SK Canada
8. Cadham Provincial Laboratory; Winnipeg MB Canada
9. Saskatchewan Health; Prince Albert Parkland Health Region; Prince Albert SK Canada
10. Saskatchewan Health; Five Hills Health Region; Moose Jaw SK Canada
11. University of Alberta; Edmonton AB Canada
12. Department of Medicine; McMaster University; Hamilton ON Canada