1. Czech Society for Ornithology 15000 Prague Czech Republic
2. CEMFOR ‐ CTFCInForest Jru 25280 Solsona Spain
3. Catalan Ornithological InstituteNatural History Museum of Barcelona 08019 Barcelona Spain
4. Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals 08193 Bellaterra Spain
5. CSIC 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès Spain
6. European Bird Census Council (EBCC)
7. BirdLife Europe 1060 Brussels Belgium
8. Sovon Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology 6503 Nijmegen The Netherlands
9. Department of Animal Ecology and Ecophysiology, Institute for Water and Wetland ResearchRadboud University 6500 Nijmegen The Netherlands
10. Coordinamento Nazionale MITO2000LIPU BirdLife Italy 43122 Parma Italy
11. RSPB Centre for Conservation ScienceThe Lodge SG19 2DL Sandy UK
12. Department of EcologyCharles University in Prague 12844 Prague Czech Republic
13. UMR7204 CESCOSorbonne Universités‐MNHN‐CNRS‐UPMC 75005 Paris France
14. DOPPS BirdLife Slovenia 1001 Ljubljana Slovenia
15. The Helsinki Lab of Ornithology, Finnish Museum of Natural HistoryUniversity of Helsinki 00014 Helsinki Finland
16. Department of Biology, Biodiversity UnitLund University 22362 Lund Sweden
17. NatagoraDépartement Études 5000 Namur Belgium
18. Institute for Environmental Studies, Faculty of ScienceCharles University in Prague 12801 Praha Czech Republic
19. Department of Zoology and Laboratory of Ornithology, Faculty of SciencePalacký University 77146 Olomouc Czech Republic
20. Statistics Netherlands 2492 The Hague The Netherlands
21. University of Nyíregyháza 4400 Nyíregyháza Hungary
22. Institute of Vertebrate BiologyAcademy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 60365 Brno Czech Republic
23. BirdLife Österreich 1070 Vienna Austria
24. Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten 48157 Münster Germany
25. BirdLife Denmark (DOF) 1620 Copenhagen Denmark