1. Department of Translational Medical Science; Section of Paediatrics; University of Naples Federico II; Naples Italy
2. Department of Paediatrics; UZ Brussel; Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Brussels Belgium
3. Department of Paediatrics; Emma Children's Hospital/AMC; Amsterdam the Netherlands
4. Department of Paediatrics; University Hospital Cologne; Cologne Germany
5. Nutrition and Dietetics Department; Chelsea and Westmister NHS Healthcare Foundation; London UK
6. Department of Paediatrics; Faculty of medicine; Jeanne de Flandre University Hospital; CHRU Lille; Lille France
7. Department of Pediatrics; Section of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Transplantation; Hospital Italiano; Buenos Aires Argentina
8. Department of Neuroscience; Pharmacology and Child Health; University of Florence-Meyer children's Hospital; Florence Italy
9. Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition; University Children's Hospital Ljubljana; Ljubljana Slovenia
10. Gastroenterology Unit; First Department of Paediatrics; University of Athens; Children's Hospital “Agia Sofia”; Thivon Greece
11. Paediatric Gastroenterology and Hepatology Unit; La Fe University Hospital; Valencia Spain
12. Paediatric Department; University of Insubria; Varese Italy
13. Schneider Children's Medical Centre of Israel; Sackler Faculty of Medicine; Tel-Aviv University; Tel-Aviv Israel
14. Paediatric Center; Clinique des Grangettes and Centre Médical Universitaire; Geneva Switzerland
15. Department of Paediatrics; The Medical University of Warsaw; Warsaw Poland
16. Gastroenterology Unit; Great Ormond Street Hospital and UCL Institute of Child Health; London UK
17. Paediatric Gastroenterology; Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center; Jerusalem Israel