1. Department of Microbiology and Plant Biology University of Oklahoma 770 Van Vleet Oval Norman OK73019 USA
2. Department of Wildland Resources and the Ecology Center Utah State University 5230 Old Main Hill Logan UT84321 USA
3. Department of Biology University of North Carolina Greensboro Greensboro NC27412 USA
4. Biology Department Eastern Michigan University 441 Mark Jefferson Science Complex Ypsilanti MI48197 USA
5. Environmental Studies Program and Department of Biology University of Oregon Eugene OR97403 USA
6. Morton K. Blaustein Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Johns Hopkins University 301 Olin Hall 3400 N. Charles Street Baltimore MD21218 USA
7. Smithsonian Environmental Research Center 647 Contees Wharf Road Edgewater MD21037 USA
8. Department of Biological Sciences Wichita State University Wichita KS67260 USA
9. Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior University of Minnesota Saint Paul MN55108 USA
10. Virginia Institute of Marine Science Gloucester Point VA23062 USA
11. Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences Qatar University Doha Qatar
12. Department of Environmental Science and Technology University of Maryland College Park MD20742 USA
13. Agriculture/Forestry Center University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta Canada T6G 2P5
14. Archbold Biological Station MacArthur Agroecology Research Center 300 Buck Island Ranch Road Lake Placid FL33852 USA
15. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Mountain Research Station University of Colorado Boulder CO80309 USA
16. The James Hutton Institute Craigiebuckler AberdeenAB15 8QH UK
17. Department of Biological Sciences University of Alberta Edmonton ABT6G 2E9 Canada
18. Department of Biology University of New Mexico Albuquerque NM87131 USA
19. School of Life Science Lanzhou University Lanzhou Gansu China
20. Department of Physiological Diversity Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research – UFZ Permoserstr. 15 D‐04318 Leipzig Germany
21. German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle‐Jena‐ Leipzig Deutscher Platz 5e D‐04103 Leipzig Germany
22. Department of Ecology University of Oulu P.O. Box 3000 FI‐90014 Oulu Finland
23. Department of Biological Sciences Towson University Towson MD21252 USA
24. Department of Disturbance Ecology University of Bayreuth D‐95440 Bayreuth Germany
25. Northern Research Station US Forest Service 5985 Highway K Rhinelander WI54501 USA
26. Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management Norwegian University of Life Sciences P.O. Box 5003 NO‐1432 Aas Norway
27. Department of Biology Graduate Degree Program in Ecology Colorado State University Fort Collins CO80523 USA
28. Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology Experimental Plant Ecology Greifswald University Soldmannstrasse 15 D‐17487 Greifswald Germany
29. Department of Biological Sciences Center for Ecosystem Science and Society (Ecoss) Northern Arizona University Flagstaff AZ86011 USA
30. Department for Earth System Science Tsinghua University Beijing China
31. Department of Biological Sciences University of Texas at El Paso El Paso TX79968 USA
32. Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Edgewater MD20754 USA
33. Department of Geobotany Moscow State Lomonosov University Leninskie gory 1‐12 119234 Moscow Russia
34. USFS Pacific Northwest Research Station 3625 93rd Ave SW Olympia WA98512 USA
35. Institute of Land, Water and Society Charles Sturt University Albury NSW2640 Australia
36. School of Earth & Environmental Sciences The University of Manchester Williamson Building, Oxford Road ManchesterM13 9PL UK
37. School of Life Sciences and School of Sustainability Arizona State University Tempe AZ85287 USA
38. Conservation Biology Department Institute of Environmental Sciences CML, Leiden University Einsteinweg 2 2333 CC Leiden The Netherlands
39. Oklahoma Biological Survey University of Oklahoma Norman OK73019 USA
40. Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior College of Biological Sciences University of Minnesota Saint Paul MN55108 USA
41. Environment and Parks Government of Alberta Edmonton ABT5K 2M4 Canada
42. Institute of Applied Ecology Chinese Academy of Sciences Shenyang Liaoning110016 China
43. Universidad de Buenos Aires Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura (IFEVA) Facultad de Agronomía Buenos Aires Argentina
44. National Hulunber Grassland Ecosystem Observation and Research Station/Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Beijing100081 China
45. State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change Institute of Botany Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing100093 China
46. Department of Agroecology Aarhus University Blichers Allé 20 8830 Tjele Denmark