1. Miriam Holman v. United States Department of Health and Human Services(Case 1:17‐cv‐09041).2017;New York.https://optn.transplant.hrsa.gov/media/2394/plaintiff_request_for_tro_20171119.pdf. Accessed January 15 2021.
2. SouthwardC PrenticeM;Geography OUAHCo.Geographic Organ Distribution Principles and Models Recommendations Report.OPTN/UNOS Ad Hoc Committee on Geography UNOS Policy Department.2018.https://optn.transplant.hrsa.gov/members/committees/ad‐hoc‐geography‐committee/
3. GoffRR WilkA.Monitoring of the Lung Allocation Change 2 Year Report—Removal of DSA as a Unit of Allocation. OPTN Thoracic Transplantation Committee 2019.https://optn.transplant.hrsa.gov/media/3661/item_25_thoracic_committee_20200212.pdf. Accessed November 29 2020.
4. Unintended consequences of changes to lung allocation policy
5. Impact of broader sharing on the transport time for deceased donor livers