Clinical performance of the iPREDICTLIVING tool for the prediction of the post‐transplant recipient and living donor outcomes in a European cohort


Almeida Manuela123ORCID,Ribeiro Catarina1,Silvano José1,Pedroso Sofia123,Tafulo Sandra24,Martins La Salete123,Ramos Miguel5,Malheiro Jorge123ORCID


1. Department of Nephrology Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Santo António (CHUdSA) Porto Portugal

2. UMIB ‐ Unit for Multidisciplinary Research in Biomedicine, ICBAS ‐ School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Porto Porto Portugal

3. ITR ‐ Laboratory for Integrative and Translational Research in Population Health Porto Portugal

4. Instituto Portugês do Sangue e Transplantação Porto Portugal

5. Department of Urology Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Santo António (CHUdSA) Porto Portugal


AbstractA living donor kidney transplant (LDKT) is the best treatment for ESRD. A prediction tool based on clinical and demographic data available pre‐KT was developed in a Norwegian cohort with three different models to predict graft loss, recipient death, and donor candidate's risk of death, the iPREDICTLIVING tool. No external validations are yet available. We sought to evaluate its predictive performance in our cohort of 352 pairs LKDT submitted to KT from 1998 to 2019. The model for censored graft failure (CGF) showed the worse discriminative performance with Harrell's C of .665 and a time‐dependent AUC of .566, with a calibration slope of .998. For recipient death, at 10 years, the model had a Harrell's C of .776, a time‐dependent AUC of .773, and a calibration slope of 1.003. The models for donor death were reasonably discriminative, although with a poor calibration, particularly for 20 years of death, with a Harrell's C of .712 and AUC of .694 with a calibration slope of .955. These models have moderate discriminative and calibration performance in our population. The tool was validated in this Northern Portuguese cohort, Caucasian, with a low incidence of diabetes and other comorbidities. It can improve the informed decision‐making process at the living donor consultation joining clinical and other relevant information.


Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia









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