Multimodel ensembles of wheat growth: many models are better than one


Martre Pierre12,Wallach Daniel3,Asseng Senthold4,Ewert Frank5,Jones James W.4,Rötter Reimund P.6ORCID,Boote Kenneth J.4,Ruane Alex C.7,Thorburn Peter J.8,Cammarano Davide4,Hatfield Jerry L.9,Rosenzweig Cynthia7,Aggarwal Pramod K.10,Angulo Carlos5,Basso Bruno11,Bertuzzi Patrick12,Biernath Christian13,Brisson Nadine1415,Challinor Andrew J.1617,Doltra Jordi18,Gayler Sebastian19,Goldberg Richie7,Grant Robert F.20,Heng Lee21,Hooker Josh22,Hunt Leslie A.23,Ingwersen Joachim24,Izaurralde Roberto C.25,Kersebaum Kurt Christian26,Müller Christoph27,Kumar Soora Naresh28,Nendel Claas26,O'leary Garry29,Olesen Jørgen E.30,Osborne Tom M.31,Palosuo Taru6,Priesack Eckart13,Ripoche Dominique12,Semenov Mikhail A.32,Shcherbak Iurii11,Steduto Pasquale33,Stöckle Claudio O.34,Stratonovitch Pierre32,Streck Thilo24,Supit Iwan35,Tao Fulu36,Travasso Maria37,Waha Katharina27,White Jeffrey W.38,Wolf Joost39


1. INRA; UMR1095 Genetics, Diversity and Ecophysiology of Cereals (GDEC); 5 chemin de Beaulieu F-63 100 Clermont-Ferrand France

2. Blaise Pascal University; UMR1095 GDEC; F-63 170 Aubière France

3. INRA; UMR1248 Agrosystèmes et Développement Territorial; F-31 326 Castanet-Tolosan France

4. Agricultural & Biological Engineering Department; University of Florida; Gainesville FL 32611 USA

5. Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation; Universität Bonn; D-53 115 Bonn Germany

6. Plant Production Research; MTT Agrifood Research Finland; FI-50 100 Mikkeli Finland

7. National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Goddard Institute for Space Studies; New York NY 10025 USA

8. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization; Ecosystem Sciences; Dutton Park QLD 4102 Australia

9. National Laboratory for Agriculture and Environment; Ames IA 50011 USA

10. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research; Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security; International Water Management Institute; New Delhi 110012 India

11. Department of Geological Sciences and Kellogg Biological Station; Michigan State University; East Lansing MI 48823 USA

12. INRA; US1116 AgroClim; F-84 914 Avignon France

13. Institute of Soil Ecology; Helmholtz Zentrum München; German Research Center for Environmental Health; Neuherberg D-85 764 Germany

14. INRA; UMR0211 Agronomie; F-78 750 Thiverval-Grignon France

15. AgroParisTech; UMR0211 Agronomie; F-78 750 Thiverval-Grignon France

16. Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science; School of Earth and Environment; University of Leeds; Leeds LS29JT UK

17. CGIAR-ESSP Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security; International Centre for Tropical Agriculture; A.A. 6713 Cali Colombia

18. Cantabrian Agricultural Research and Training Centre; 39600 Muriedas Spain

19. Water & Earth System Science Competence Cluster; c/o University of Tübingen; D-72 074 Tübingen Germany

20. Department of Renewable Resources; University of Alberta; Edmonton AB T6G 2E3 Canada

21. International Atomic Energy Agency; 1400 Vienna Austria

22. School of Agriculture, Policy and Development; University of Reading; RG6 6AR Reading UK

23. Department of Plant Agriculture; University of Guelph; Guelph ON N1G 2W1 Canada

24. Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation; Universität Hohenheim; D-70 599 Stuttgart Germany

25. Department of Geographical Sciences; University of Maryland; College Park MD 20782 USA

26. Institute of Landscape Systems Analysis; Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research; D-15 374 Müncheberg Germany

27. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research; D-14 473 Potsdam Germany

28. Centre for Environment Science and Climate Resilient Agriculture; Indian Agricultural Research Institute; New Delhi 110 012 India

29. Department of Primary Industries; Landscape & Water Sciences; Horsham Vic. 3400 Australia

30. Department of Agroecology; Aarhus University; 8830 Tjele Denmark

31. National Centre for Atmospheric Science; Department of Meteorology; University of Reading; RG6 6BB Reading UK

32. Computational and Systems Biology Department; Rothamsted Research; Harpenden Herts AL5 2JQ UK

33. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; Rome 00153 Italy

34. Biological Systems Engineering; Washington State University; Pullman WA 99164-6120 USA

35. Earth System Science-Climate Change; Wageningen University; 6700AA Wageningen The Netherlands

36. Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research; Chinese Academy of Science; Beijing 100101 China

37. Institute for Climate and Water; INTA-CIRN; 1712 Castelar Argentina

38. Arid-Land Agricultural Research Center; USDA; Maricopa AZ 85138 USA

39. Plant Production Systems; Wageningen University; 6700AA Wageningen The Netherlands




General Environmental Science,Ecology,Environmental Chemistry,Global and Planetary Change







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