1. Robert Foot,The Phenomenon of Speechlessness in the Poetry of Marie Luise Kaschnitz, Gunter Eich, Nelly Sachs and Paul Celan, Bonn 1982.
2. Michael Hamburger,Paul Celan: Poems, Manchester 1980, p. 17.
3. For further discussion of the place ofMohn und Gedachtnisin Celan's work see Robert Foot,The Phenomenon of Speechlessness, p. 210, and Adrian Del Caro,The Early Poetry of Paul Celan, London/Baton Rouge 1997, p. 9.
4. Paul Celan,Gesammelte Werke..., Frankfurt a.M. 1983, I, p. 68. Further references to Celan's work will appear in the text and include the relevant volume of the collected works followed by the page number, e.g. (I/68).