Exposure of wetlands important for nonbreeding waterbirds to sea‐level rise in the Mediterranean


Verniest Fabien12ORCID,Galewski Thomas1,Boutron Olivier1,Dami Laura1,Defos du Rau Pierre3,Guelmami Anis1,Julliard Romain2,Popoff Nadège4,Suet Marie1,Willm Loïc1,Abdou Wed5,Azafzaf Hichem6,Bendjedda Nadjiba7,Bino Taulant8,Borg John J.9,Božič Luka10,Dakki Mohamed11,Hamoumi Rhimou El12,Encarnação Vitor13,Erciyas‐Yavuz Kiraz14,Etayeb Khaled15,Georgiev Valeri16,Hamada Ayman5,Hatzofe Ohad17,Ieronymidou Christina18,Langendoen Tom19,Mikuska Tibor20,Molina Blas21,Moniz Filipe22,Moussy Caroline23,Ouassou Asmaâ11,Petkov Nicky24,Portolou Danae25,Qaneer Tareq26,Sayoud Samir7,Šćiban Marko27,Topić Goran28,Uzunova Danka29,Vine Gal26,Vizi Andrej30,Xeka Erald8,Zenatello Marco31,Gaget Elie32ORCID,Viol Isabelle Le2


1. Tour du Valat Institut de recherche pour la conservation des zones humides méditerranéennes Arles France

2. Centre d'Ecologie et des Sciences de la Conservation (CESCO), Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Sorbonne Université, Station Marine de Concarneau Concarneau Cedex France

3. Office Français de la Biodiversité Arles France

4. Aquabio, 108 Av. du Lac Léman La Motte‐Servolex France

5. Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency El Maadi Helwan Egypt

6. Association “Les Amis des Oiseaux” (AAO/BirdLife en Tunisie) Ariana Tunisia

7. Direction générale des Forêts Ben Aknoun Algeria

8. Albanian Ornithological Society, “Ymer Kurti”, Olympia Center Tirana Albania

9. National Museum of Natural History, Vilhena Palace Mdina Malta

10. DOPPS ‐ Birdlife Slovenia Ljubljana Slovenia

11. Groupe de Recherche pour la Protection des Oiseaux au Maroc (GREPOM), Résidence Oum Hani IV Salé Morocco

12. Ecology and Environment Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences Ben M'sik University Hassan II of Casablanca Casablanca Morocco

13. Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas, IP (ICNF) Centro de Estudos de Migrações e Proteção de Aves (CEMPA) Lisboa Portugal

14. Ornithological Research Center Ondokuz Mayis University Samsun Turkey

15. Zoology Department Faculty of Science the University of Tripoli. Alfornaj Tripoli Libya

16. Ministry of Environment and Water National Nature Protection Service Directorate Sofia Bulgaria

17. Israel Nature and Parks Authority Headquarters Am V'Olamo 3 Jerusalem Israel

18. BirdLife Cyprus Nicosia Cyprus

19. Wetlands International Ede The Netherlands

20. Croatian Society for Bird and Nature Protection Osijek Croatia

21. Sociedad Española de Ornitología (SEO/BirdLife) Madrid Spain

22. Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas Lisbon Portugal

23. LPO‐BirdLife France, Fonderies Royales Rochefort Cedex France

24. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Sofia Bulgaria

25. Hellenic Ornithological Society Athens Greece

26. The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) Jubaiha Jordan

27. Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia Novi Sad Serbia

28. Nase Ptice Ornithological Society Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina

29. Macedonian Ecological Society Skopje Macedonia

30. History Museum of Montenegro, Trg Vojvode Bećir‐bega Osmanagića 16 Podgorica Montenegro

31. Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA) Ozzano dell'Emilia Italy

32. Department of Biology University of Turku Turku Finland


AbstractSea‐level rise (SLR) is expected to cause major changes to coastal wetlands, which are among the world's most vulnerable ecosystems and are critical for nonbreeding waterbirds. Because strategies for adaptation to SLR, such as nature‐based solutions and designation of protected areas, can locally reduce the negative effects of coastal flooding under SLR on coastal wetlands, it is crucial to prioritize adaptation efforts, especially for wetlands of international importance for biodiversity. We assessed the exposure of coastal wetlands important for nonbreeding waterbirds to projected SLR along the Mediterranean coasts of 8 countries by modeling future coastal flooding under 7 scenarios of SLR by 2100 (from 44‐ to 161‐cm rise) with a static inundation approach. Exposure to coastal flooding under future SLR was assessed for 938 Mediterranean coastal sites (≤30 km from the coastline) where 145 species of nonbreeding birds were monitored as part of the International Waterbird Census and for which the monitoring area was delineated by a polygon (64.3% of the coastal sites monitored in the Mediterranean region). Thirty‐four percent of sites were threatened by future SLR, even under the most optimistic scenarios. Protected study sites and study sites of international importance for waterbirds were, respectively, 1.5 and 2 times more exposed to SLR than the other sites under the most optimistic scenario. Accordingly, we advocate for the development of a prioritization scheme to be applied to these wetlands for the implementation of strategies for adaptation to SLR to anticipate the effects of coastal flooding. Our study provides major guidance for conservation planning under global change in several countries of the Mediterranean region.


Ministère de la Transition écologique et Solidaire

Total Foundation

Tour du Valat

Région Bretagne

Fondation Hans Wilsdorf










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