1. Centre for Medical Education Queen's University BelfastUK
2. MRC Molecular Haematology Unit MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine Radcliffe Department of Medicine University of Oxford Oxford UK
3. Castle Hill Hospital Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Hull UK
4. Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Leeds UK
5. The Royal London Hospital Bart's Health NHS Trust London UK
6. Birmingham Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Birmingham UK
7. University Hospital of Leicester NHS Trust Leicester (BSH representative) UK
8. Department of Haematology and Haematopathology and Oncology Diagnostic Service Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Cambridge UK
9. Cardiff University School of Medicine Cardiff UK
10. Guy's and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust London UK
11. Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Cambridge UK
12. Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust University College London Hospital London UK
13. Nottingham University Hospital Nottingham UK