1. School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems, Northern Arizona Univ. Flagstaff AZ USA
2. Dept of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Univ. of Gothenburg Göteborg Sweden
3. Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre Göteborg Sweden
4. Dept of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona Univ. Flagstaff AZ USA
5. Center for Biodiversity Dynamics in a Changing World (BIOCHANGE), Dept of Biology, Aarhus Univ. Aarhus C Denmark
6. Section for Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity, Dept of Biology, Aarhus Univ. Aarhus C Denmark
7. Inst. de Biociências, Depto de Ecologia, Univ. Estadual Paulista (UNESP) Rio Claro São Paulo Brazil
8. Univ. of Miami, Dept of Biology Coral Gables FL USA