1. Herbarium, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Richmond UK
2. Freelance artist
SummarySymphyotrichum laeve (L.) Á. Löve & D. Löve (Compositae: Astereae: Symphyotrichinae) is described and illustrated, and the species is provided with an expanded synonymy that includes type citations, known types, and supplementary comments for the presently accepted varieties. A commentary on the tribal position of Symphyotrichum, its recognition, infrageneric classification, and the placement of S. laeve within that classification, is provided. Most recently, Symphyotrichum laeve has been divided into four varieties, although it might be more appropriate to recognise just two subspecies; the appropriate synonymy is suggested by amalgamating the two pairs' synonymies. The material grown in the North American Prairie plantings at Wakehurst Place is more aptly called S. laeve var. laeve (or subsp. laeve) largely by the conspicuous diamond‐shaped apical green patch on the phyllaries, and the phyllaries markedly gradate nature. Notes are provided on cultivation and propagation, pests and diseases, and availability. Although illustrated previously, in 1830, the plate of Aster laevigatus was somewhat stylized, and the name, possibly applicable to Lamarck's, Willdenow's or Purch's concept, at best sensu auctt. A short commentary on Oliver Atkins Farwell, author of a few infraspecific names of, is provided.
Reference102 articles.
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2. Britton N.L.&Brown A.(1898).An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States Canada and the British Possessions from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102dmeridian. Vol. III. Apocynaceae to Compositae: Dogbane to Thistle. Charles Scribner's Sons New York.
3. Britton N.L.&Brown A.(1913).An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States Canada and the British Possessions from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102dmeridian. Ed. 2 – Revised and enlarged. Vol. III. Gentianaceae to Compositae – Gentian to Thistle. Charles Scribner's Sons New York.
4. Brouillet L. Semple J.C. Allen G.A. Chambers K.L.&†Sundberg S.D.(2006).SymphyotrichumNees. In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee (eds).Flora of North America North of Mexico. Vol. 20. Magnoliophyta; (Asteridae part 7): Asteraceae part 2. Asterales part 2 (Aster order). Oxford University Press New York & Oxford. pp. 465 – 539.