1. Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew UK
2. Freelance artist
SummaryCoreopsis lanceolata L. (Compositae: Heliantheae: Coreopsidinae) is described and illustrated, a full synonymy provided, and its taxonomic position discussed. The generic concepts are discussed in relation to Bidens L. and Cosmos Cav., noting that molecular studies have so far not been of much practical use. Cultivation requirements are also outlined, and the species long history in the literature, with three centuries of cultivation, is discussed. Methods of propagation, pests and diseases and the species' availability are also covered. Comments are also provided on the growth ‘phases’ of this somewhat variable species outlined in the literature. Rather than pointing to discreet infraspecific entities, they are simply considered part of the range of variation, to the extent that the species' synonymy covers all of the variation. Stemming from a recent literature assessment of plant phylogenies, the odd transfer of well‐known species, in Coreopsis L. and Cosmos, to Bidens, is critiqued. The UV‐absorption patterns reflecting the nectar guides in open capitula is discussed, noting that within the genus there are three distinct modes of distribution of the anthochlor pigments.