Quality of life measurement in teledermatology. Position statement of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Task Forces on Quality of Life and Patient Oriented Outcomes and Teledermatology


Chernyshov P. V.1ORCID,Finlay A. Y.2ORCID,Tomas‐Aragones L.3ORCID,Tognetti L.4ORCID,Moscarella E.5ORCID,Pasquali P.6,Manolache L.7,Pustisek N.8,Svensson A.9ORCID,Marron S. E.10ORCID,Bewley A.1112ORCID,Salavastru C.13,Suru A.13,Koumaki D.14ORCID,Linder D.15ORCID,Abeni D.16,Augustin M.17ORCID,Blome C.17,Salek S. S.18ORCID,Evers A. W. M.19,Poot F.20,Sampogna F.16ORCID,Szepietowski J. С.21ORCID


1. Department of Dermatology and Venereology National Medical University Kiev Ukraine

2. Division of Infection and Immunity School of Medicine Cardiff University Cardiff UK

3. Department of Psychology University of Zaragoza Zaragoza Spain

4. Dermatology Unit Department of Medical Surgical and Neurosciences University of Siena Siena Italy

5. Dermatology Unit University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli Naples Italy

6. Dermatology Department Pius Hospital de Valls Tarragona Spain

7. Dermatology Dali Medical Bucharest Romania

8. Children's Hospital Zagreb Zagreb Croatia

9. Department of Dermatology and Venereology Skane University Hospital Malmö Sweden

10. Department of Dermatology University Hospital Miguel Servet Aragon Psychodermatology Research Group (GAI+PD) Zaragoza Spain

11. Whipps Cross University Hospital London UK

12. The Royal London Hospital London UK

13. Department of Paediatric Dermatology Colentina Clinical Hospital "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest Romania

14. Department of Dermatology and Venereology University Hospital of Heraklion Crete Greece

15. University Clinic for Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy Medical University of Graz Austria

16. Clinical Epidemiology Unit IDI‐IRCCS Rome Italy

17. Institute for Health Services Research in Dermatology and Nursing (IVDP) University Medical Center Hamburg‐Eppendorf Hamburg Germany

18. School of Life & Medical Sciences University of Hertfordshire Hatfield UK

19. Institute of Psychology, Health, Medical, and Neuropsychology unit Leiden University Leiden The Netherlands

20. Department of Dermatology University Hospital Erasme Brussels Belgium

21. Department of Dermatology Wroclaw Medical University Poland


AbstractMany events, including the COVID‐19 pandemic, have accelerated the implementation of teledermatology pathways within dermatology departments and across healthcare organizations. Quality of Life (QoL) assessment in dermatology is also a rapidly developing field with a gradual shift from theory to practice. The purpose of this paper organized jointly by the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) Task Force (TF) on QoL and patient‐oriented outcomes and the EADV TF on teledermatology is to present current knowledge about QoL assessment during the use of teledermatology approaches, including data on health‐related (HR) QoL instruments used in teledermatology, comparison of influence of different treatment methods on HRQoL after face‐to‐face and teledermatology consultations and to make practical recommendations concerning the assessment of QoL in teledermatology. The EADV TFs made the following position statements: HRQoL assessment may be an important part in most of teledermatology activities; HRQoL assessment may be easily and effectively performed during teledermatology consultations. It is especially important to monitor HRQoL of patients with chronic skin diseases during lockdowns or in areas where it is difficult to reach a hospital for face‐to‐face consultation; regular assessment of HRQoL of patients with skin diseases during teledermatology consultations may help to monitor therapy efficacy and visualize individual patient's needs; we recommend the use of the DLQI in teledermatology, including the use of the DLQI app which is available in seven languages; it is important to develop apps for dermatology‐specific HRQoL instruments for use in children (for example the CDLQI and InToDermQoL) and for disease‐specific instruments.




Infectious Diseases,Dermatology

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