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2. Geologic factors controlling patterns of small-volume basaltic volcanism: Application to a volcanic hazards assessment at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
3. 4.G. H. Canavan, S. A. Colgate, O. P. Judd, G. H. McCall, A. G. Petschek, J. C. Solem, T. F. Stratton, W. R. Stratton, and P. P. Whalen (1995 ).Comments on "Nuclear Excursions" and "Criticality Issues"(LA-UR-95-0851). Los Alamos, NM: Los Alamos National Laboratory.
4. Comments on the draft paper “underground supercriticality from plutonium and other fissile material,” written by C.D. Bowman and F. Venneri (LANL)