1. 1. T. H. Starks ,Proceedings of the Research Planning Conference on Human Activity Patterns(EPA/600/4-89/004, 1989 ).
2. 2. T. McCurdy, and H. M. Richmond , "Description of the OAQPS Risk Program and the Ongoing Lead NAAQS Risk Assessment Project " (Paper No. 83-7.1, presented at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Federation, 1983 ).
3. 4. U.S. EPA ,National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Benzene Emissions from Chemical Manufacturing Process Vents, Industrial Solvent Use, Benzene Waste Operations, Benzene Transfer Operations, and Gasoline Marketing System Final Rule(Fed. Reg., 1990 ), p.8306 .
4. 5. U.S. EPA, Science Advisory Board,Review of the Office of Water's Proposed Sludge Use and Disposal Regulation(40 CFR Parts 257 and 503, EPA-SAB-EEC-89-053,5, 1989 ).