1. 1.U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Reactor Safety Study ReportWASH-1400 (1975 ).
2. 2.Commonwealth Edison Company , Zion Probabilistic Safety Study (1981 ).The principal contractor for the study was Pickard, Lowe, and Garrick.
3. 3.Consolidated Edison Company and New York State Power Authority , Indian Point Probabilistic Safety Study (1982 ).The principal contractor for the study was Pickard, Lowe, and Garrick.
4. 4.Philadelphia Electric Company , Limerick Severe Accident Risk Assessment (1983 ).The principal contractor for the study was NUS Corporation.
5. 5.Consumers Power Company , Big Rock Point Nuclear Power Plant Probabilistic Risk Assessment (1981 ).The principal contractor for the study was Wood-Leaver and Associates.